Visit the City Greens Market patio for a sing-along with kid-favorite Celia! City Greens Market, located in the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood, works to provide fresh, quality, local and affordable produce to the community by selling it at cost.
At this free kids' concert, there will also be free banana bread and local coffee, books from the St. Louis Public Library, vegan burritos and more.
The sing-along with Celia is happening Sunday, June 9 from 12:30 - 1:15 p.m.
More information can be found at stlcitygreens.org
Visit the James S. McDonnell Planetarium in Forest Park and see a star show to experience the largest artificial sky in the Western Hemisphere. Star shows are lead LIVE by one of the Planetarium's educators, creating a new and tailored experience for every audience.
Color can be seen all around us in nature, especially when looking at the animals. At President's Day Camp: Colorful Critters at the Saint Louis Zoo, campers will learn about all things color as they relate to wildlife.
Do you need a creative activity for your kids on a day when school's out? Yucandu Art Studio offers No-School Workshops for kids in grades kindergarten through 5th.
Kids ages 7-15 can spend President's Day climbing, team building, and doing arts & crafts at Upper Limits Climbing Gym. This one-day camp is a great way to keep your child active when school is out. Campers will learn about rock climbing, as well as team building with other kids their age.
Find out if Vetta Sports' Kickaroos program is right for your child at Vetta's free Presidents' Day Open House. This Kickaroos Open House is a great way to introduce your child to the world of sports! The Kickaroos program fosters confidence, social skills, and the ability to follow directions - all within a fun and engaging class experience.