events for kids and families in St. Louis

Flamingo Fest at Citygarden

Celebrate Citygarden's 7th year at the Flamingo Fest. Wear pink in honor of Citygarden's flamingo population, and get ready to dance, get wet and have fun! 

The fest features DJ Lamar Harris for a two-hour dance extravaganza, the Bubble Bus and lots of childrens' activities.

Your kids will also love Citygarden's water plaza and fountains, so dress them to get wet! 

Free. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. At Citygarden, 9th Street between Market and Chestnut.

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Movie in Bluebird Park

Have fun in Bluebird Park and catch a free movie with your kids. There will also be food trucks on hand.

June 24: Jurassic World. 8:45 p.m. (or dark)

Sept. 30: Hotel Transylvania 2. 7 p.m.

Free. in Bluebird Park, Ellisville. 

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Butterfly Magic with the Fishin' Magicians

Egg. Larva. Pupa. Butterfly. That's magic! The Fishin' Magicians make learning this basic science fun for all ages using magic, puppets and humor.

Join the adventure with them and Pipevine, the caterpillar, as they help kids understand the importance of butterflies and caterpillars in ecosystems. 

7 to 9 p.m. Free, but reservations are required by the day of the event. At Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center in Kirkwood. For reservations call 314-301-1500.

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Kids' First Time Fishing

Shaw Nature Reserve is teaming up with the Missouri Department of Conservation to provide a special fishing experience for first-time or inexperienced young anglers.

Equipment, bait and assistance will be provided. At least one adult should attend for every two children, and fishing is for kids only.

For ages 6 to 12. Cost is $14 per child; $12 per child for members of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Registration is required.

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Feathered Friends

Birds are starting to make their way back from their winter homes, so it's time to celebrate birds by learning about their special traits. Kids can learn what makes a bird a bird, make some binoculars and go outside to spot birds in the wild.

For ages 3 to 6.

10 to 11 a.m. at Rockwoods Reservation in Wildwood. More information:


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Family Med School Basics

Families can spend a morning at the Saint Louis Science Center with anatomy and physiology experts from Adventures in Medicine and Science (AIMS) and Physical and Athletic Training Programs at Saint Louis University. 

Activities include a virtual tour of the major organs and body systems utilizing a fully dissected human cadaver and hands-on anatomical dissections. There will also be discussions of some medically important disease processes and ways to stay healthy and unjury-free. Ideal for parents and their children in grade 5 and up.

Sessions include:

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Music & Movement

Explore songs, finger plays, music and more during this Music & Movement class for ages 0-6. Some sessions are held in person at various branches of the St. Louis County Library. Some sessions are virtual. 



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Potty Training 101
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Is it time to potty train your toddler? The St. Louis County Library is offering Potty Training 101 to parents of children ages 2-3. This free workshop for parent and child includes a potty-themed storytime, and parents & caregivers will receive information to get them started on the potty training process. Attendees will also receive a potty seat, step stool, training pants and a potty-themed board book. 



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Open Gym at Miss Kelly's Gym in Cottleville

Open Gym at Miss Kelly's Gym is an opportunity for any child to have supervised free play in the gym.  They can work on existing skills, try something new, or simply play around. It is completely up to them! Open Gym is open to both members and non-members ages 12 and under.



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Curator Tour at the WCHOF featuring the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Attend a complimentary tour of the newest World Chess Hall of Fame (WCHOF) exhibitions, “Crown Jewels: Donation Highlights” and “Paws and Pawns: Exploring Animal Chess Sets.” WCHOF Curator Emily Allred will show exhibition highlights, and the St. Louis Aquarium’s Senior Educator Maxene Van Damme will offer insight into the animals represented in “Paws and Pawns.”



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