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Education Word of the Week: Summer Slide

A big question looming in many parent’s minds this time of year is “What can I do to help my child retain all the knowledge he gained this school year?” Educators call this loss of information summer slide, or summer setback.

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The Beach is Back

St. Louis is a wonderful place to live, but there are a few drawbacks to living in the middle of the country. Like no beach. But you don’t need to go all the way to Florida to enjoy a little sun and sand. The Magic House is making all our dreams come true with Sandcastle Beach! Ten truckloads of sand are transforming the backyard of The Magic House into a beachfront park. Take a stroll along the boardwalk, cool off under an ocean mister or relax under a beach umbrella while the little ones search for hidden shells. A world-champion sand sculptor is building a gigantic 75-ton sandcastle along the beach’s shore. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

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There is Much to Learn When at the Park

The experience that often makes me feel alone in my role as a stay-at-home father is when I take my daughter to the park on weekdays.

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Why I'm the Last Person to Get a Smartphone

I want a smartphone so bad I crave it. 

I’ll admit it. When I need a fix, I’ll head to the cell phone kiosk at the mall so I can caress the keyboards and touch screens until the salesperson says, “Ma’am, I’ve told you repeatedly to stop making out with the BlackBerry,” and gently rips my lover from my clutch. 

Then I sadly walk out the door with my five-year-old, beat-up flip phone that has treated me well but is as technologically advanced as a Zack Morris phone. 

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The Thin - And Often Padded - Line Between Stylish and Sexy

Getting my first bra in fifth grade was a little on the humiliating side because 1) I had developed earlier than my more petite friends who teased me about my growing chest (which unfortunately did not keep on pace with the rest of my body as I got older), and 2) My mom picked out a stark white bra wrapped up in plastic from JCPenney which today reminds me of the Seinfeld “bro” (or “manziere” if you lean toward Frank Costanza) or an Ace bandage.

Today’s bras are nothing like ours from the 1980s. Department and specialty stores are packed with an abundance of padded, push-up and lace bras that tweens can choose from, but at the same time, leave their parents sobbing in the aisles over their little girls’ quickly diminishing childhoods. In fact, just a few weeks ago, the British retailer Primark pulled its padded bras off its shelves after media and customer outrage accused the store of sexualizing young teens.

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Your Pillow's Calling Your Name

Is anyone else feeling sleepy right about now?

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Cover Kids Contest - Enter by Monday!

The deadline for entering our Cover Kids Contest 2010 is closing in! Enter your child by Monday, May 10 if you'd like your child, or yourself, to be a part of the contest. Cover Kids 2010 is a search for real kids of all ages, sizes, ethnic backgrounds and abilities that will culminate in the winners being featured in our magazine and our Back-to-School Fashion Show in July.

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What? You Say It's Time for a Hearing Check?

When my son was just over a year old, I finally gave in to my husband's worrying and made an appointment to have the baby's eyes checked.  Not because I was noticing any Continue reading »

Two New Options for Moms-to-Be

Expectant parents have two new options for delivery this year: The Fetal Care Center specializes in high-risk pregnancy, birth and neonatal intensive care, while the Birth and Wellness Center of Missouri has certified nurse midwives on staff to assist with labor and delivery.

The Fetal Care Center launched last month through the cooperation of Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Children’s Hospital and the Washington University School of Medicine. It offers fetal diagnosis, fetal surgical interventions, and specialized care for newborns with serious medical conditions. It’s the only such center in the Midwest, according to a press release from Barnes-Jewish, and it expects to draw patients from Missouri and the eight surrounding states.

The Birth and Wellness Center of Missouri will be up and running in St. Charles this summer. For women who expect to experience a normal birth, such centers offer minimal intervention but plenty of hands-on care and education, starting at 32 weeks prior to birth and extending to newborn exams, breastfeeding support and postpartum visits. The center also sees women throughout their pregnancies and offers a full line women's health services throughout their lifespan.

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A League of Their Own

For the past two weeks, players taking the field for Challenger Baseball games Saturday mornings at Tilles Park have been just like those in every other league around town – watching the sky for rain, adjusting their caps and uniforms, taking practice swings with their bats.

These game-time rituals have added poignancy, however, because the players in this league all have developmental disabilities. The unique program pairs the players with volunteer “buddies” ages 10 to 20 whose role is to help the players hit or field the ball when needed, and to encourage them continually.

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Justin Bieber is Stalking Me

A few months ago on my personal blog, I wondered who this Justin Bieber kid was I kept seeing on the cover of the teen magazines.

Now I know.

Oh boy, do I know.

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Oh Baby, What a Movie!

This Mother’s Day weekend, four tiny babies are going to take on Continue reading »

31st Annual St. Louis Storytelling Festival

I love to read. But perhaps even more than this, I love being read to. Some of my most cherished childhood memories are of my dad reading bedtime stories every weekend. Whole summers I would spend listening to recordings of Shel Silverstein or Marlo Thomas and Friends. These days, I attend poetry readings or author events or festivals. But I also find myself turning down the radio or folding laundry in the hallway to better hear my husband reading to our children. Whether it's Redwall to his teenage son, or Misty of Chincoteague to our 6-year-old daughter, I am entranced.

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Cover Kids 2010 Puts Local Kids in the Spotlight

Our Cover Kids 2010 Contest is in full swing, and it's not surprising that we're receiving lots of entries from across the metro area. It's also not surprising that kids in St. Louis are adorable, photogenic and have loads of personality! Cover Kids 2010 is a search for real kids of all ages, sizes, ethnic backgrounds and abilities that will culminate in the winners being featured in our magazine and our Back-to-School Fashion Show in July.

Winners in four ages categories will win a modeling contract with Menagerie Models, the Webster-Groves based modeling agency that has styled, photographed and provided the models for the covers of our magazine for more than a year. The agency, headed by former model Camille Adams, works with regional and national companies to place kids and adults in advertisements and editorial features in print and on television. Menagerie Models does not offer modeling classes, they just look for kids they can place in advertisements. And kids are paid for their work.

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Things to Do

Music & Movement

Explore songs, finger plays, music and more during this Music & Movement class for ages 0-6. Some sessions are held in person at various branches of the St. Louis County Library. Some sessions are virtual. 



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Potty Training 101
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Is it time to potty train your toddler? The St. Louis County Library is offering Potty Training 101 to parents of children ages 2-3. This free workshop for parent and child includes a potty-themed storytime, and parents & caregivers will receive information to get them started on the potty training process. Attendees will also receive a potty seat, step stool, training pants and a potty-themed board book. 



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Open Gym at Miss Kelly's Gym in Cottleville

Open Gym at Miss Kelly's Gym is an opportunity for any child to have supervised free play in the gym.  They can work on existing skills, try something new, or simply play around. It is completely up to them! Open Gym is open to both members and non-members ages 12 and under.



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Curator Tour at the WCHOF featuring the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Attend a complimentary tour of the newest World Chess Hall of Fame (WCHOF) exhibitions, “Crown Jewels: Donation Highlights” and “Paws and Pawns: Exploring Animal Chess Sets.” WCHOF Curator Emily Allred will show exhibition highlights, and the St. Louis Aquarium’s Senior Educator Maxene Van Damme will offer insight into the animals represented in “Paws and Pawns.”



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Why Summer Camp is Great for . . . Parents

Being able to focus on yourself, your partner, and other people in your life who mean a lot to you is no small matter. As parents, we’re used to being responsible providers and caregivers. However, there’s so much more to a person: we’re also partners and friends. These are important parts of our identities that we need to cultivate. Sending your kids to summer camp may bring out your more playful side that you haven’t shown for a while.

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Want Your Kids to Learn? Teach Them It’s Okay to Make Mistakes

It’s normal for parents to want to protect their children from failure. It’s also normal to want them to achieve, win, and do their best. But here’s the truth: We don’t learn anything new without making mistakes. I’ll say it again. Making mistakes is a crucial step in learning. If we’re fearful of making mistakes, learning comes to a screeching halt.

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Spring Break Camps Offer a Variety of Activities for Kids and Teens in St. Louis

Excitement is building for summer and the wide variety of summer camp experiences available for kids in the St. Louis metro area. But first! Spring break is around the corner, and there are plenty of Spring Break camps enrolling now. 

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7 Signs Your Kids Are Ready For Their First Sleepaway Camp

It’s time to decide whether to send your kids to sleepaway camp, but how do you know that's the right thing to do? How can you tell whether your kids are ready for their first extended stay away from home? Here are 7 important signs that experts say should inform your decision.

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Life Lessons Learned at Overnight Camp

With the perfect blend of adventure and responsibility, camp life teaches kids valuable lessons they can use for the rest of their lives. If you send your child to overnight camp, here are some life lessons they are likely to learn.

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